PEMEX Deer Park – The CCU Expander Reliability & Portfolio of Projects
PEMEX Deer Park – The CCU Expander Reliability & Portfolio of Projects
Location: Deer Park, Texas
- Contract Value: $25.8MM
- Contract Type:
- Workhours: 382,461
- Duration: January 2020 – July 2022
- Percentage of Labor Self- Performed: 98%
- Subcontractors: 5
turner self-performed
- Site Preparation/Excavation: Excavated roughly 55,300 cubic yards of dirt
- Site Preparation/Excavation: Excavated roughly 1,600 cubic yards of dirt
- Civil: 860 cubic yards of concrete and 70 tons of rebar
- Structural Steel: 292 tons split between new structures and additions to existing
- Equipment: Setting 58 total pieces of process equipment
- Hydro Testing: 176 test packages
- Painting: 9,000 square feet of paint touch up
- Insulation: 9,400 linear feet of piping insulation
- Scaffolding: Erected over 225,000 leg feet of scaffold
- Piping: The 17,390 linear feet of piping was our greatest challenge, with roughly 10,000 linear feet being routed through existing pipe racks and operating units.